Keep calm and carry on year

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One read, “All terrorists are politely reminded that this is London and whatever you do to us we will drink tea and jolly well carry on” (March 22). The morning after the attack, signs with motivational messages popped up in Underground stations across London. We’re British, that’s what we do ….” “Don’t start finger pointing and blaming, don’t turn on anyone. The following tweets, pulled from thousands, encapsulate the general response on Twitter: “As ever, the best reaction … is calmness, not hysteria. And Londoners, and others from around the world who have come here to visit this great city, will get up and go about their day as normal” (emphasis added throughout). “Tomorrow morning, Parliament will meet as normal. That evening, Prime Minister Theresa May encouraged the nation to behave as normal. Within minutes of the attack, the main message radiating from every corner of Britain was: “Keep calm and carry on.”

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This trait was on display in London on March 22, when an Islamic terrorist in a rental car mowed down more than 40 people on Westminster Bridge, smashed into the fence that protects Britain’s Houses of Parliament, and fatally stabbed a policeman. And it captures an admirable characteristic of the English, their indomitable spirit and capacity to remain resolute in the face of adversity. It’s a cute maxim, as British as tea and crumpets.

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